Prints For Proceeds
We all need to take a giant leap towards change.
I stand against racism and am committed to being and continuing to learn how to be part of the solution. One way I am pledging to moving forward is through contributing to those on the front lines of this battle for change. 100% of the proceeds from my Prints for Proceeds campaign will be divided and equally donated to Black Lives Matter, NAACP Legal Defense & Education Fund and MassDefenseProgram until the end of June!
Through my research, I have found that donating to these programs will be vital to making a lasting impact. I continue to keep my mind open to learn, my eyes open to stay aware, and my heart open to spread the love. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to speak with me or help spread the word of those voices that continue to go unheard within the art community.
Moving forward I ask that all my friend, family & fans hold me accountable in my continuing efforts to support the black lives matter movement.
Learn More
If you are unfamiliar, learn more BlackLivesMatter, NAACP LDF & Mass Defense Program.